"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Random one handed musings at 11weeks (and happy Thumper day)

I'm lying in bed listening to C grizzle, hoping its a pre-sleep grizzle not a "I'm crying until I get a cuddle" grizzle.

Life is lovely but full.

Some bullet points is all I'm up to at present. I will write more one day, and I have some lovely pics for you of the boys.

C has started smiling and it's beyond cute. But not at me, just in general at things around me.  He has smiled directly  at Earl, Earl's mum, and my Aunt. I shouldn't be upset but I am.

S on the other hand only ever smiles in his sleep except for yesterday when he grinned at me. So precious.

Last Thursday was Thumper day, the anniversary of Thumpers due date. He would be three.  We went out for lunch. It was special, and emotional to have two little boys to celebrate with us.

How do you survive twins? Help. I realised I could technically care for them with out extra help, but with others to garentees my day sleep, to help in the house and to change the boys, then it's a joy. So I am letting go of pride and embracing the help. My folks are overseas and I can't wait for them to get back. My Mum is amazing and I just tread water without her.

The boys change fast. They hated nappy changes, now that they are aware of the mobile above the mat, they love them! They pick different times to sleep, it's always a guess, will they give me he'll in the late evening or 6am to 9am? First C hates his bath, then S while C cries when I take him out.

They are cute as anything.

Earl and I are adjusting to parenthood and I hate to admit it but I'm jealous that the boys get most of his attention and affection.  We are working on it though, and I do love how much he loves them.

I worry that my joy is hurting my IF buddies.

I am overjoyed for the if successes I'm following.

I blog everyday n my head and never for real. I can do things with one hand, because I'm either sleeping, feeding, holding a baby, walking the babies expressing or eating. If I'm lucky I shower. I can't comment but I am thinking of you all.

Bf is good, though double feeding is tough. I avoid it when I can because they need so much help latching inevitably they take turns feeding and screaming for food.

C is my C-bubba, my angel-bear and my gorgie-porgie. Sebastian is my S-bubba, my Bassie-boy, my beautiful little man, and my pixie boy.

Connor is four kgs and Seb is 2.8. Connor is in 4 zeros, Seb in five.

They are such a gift. I love them like crazy.


  1. :) I love hearing such joyful and wonderful updates. Happy Thumper day. Wow, three years... what a journey you survived to get to where you are!

  2. Friend, no matter how much my heart hurts, it's also full of joy for you!!!! Love ya!!!
