"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Friday, June 14, 2013


It's almost too hard to believe, but my babies are home. I'm currently lying in bed next to Earl, who has S cradled in his arms. It's been so fast. Two weeks from children's hospital to this moment. But S is well, so well and so ready for this. And so are we.

I have no idea how this will all work. How do you look after twins? But we will figure it out.

Overcome with thankfulness!
Love LG

Ps Will write some more detailed posts when I can.


  1. Smiling at the fact you are all home after such a long journey to conceive and birth these amazing boys!

  2. Sigh....=D=D=D=D...whatta fathersday!

  3. Wonderful news! I am sure you guys will fall into a great pattern quickly with the boys and life with twins. So happy to hear this.

  4. Congratulations! So happy to hear both boys are home with you.
