"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Sunday, November 28, 2010

U/S day

I feel like I should do a happy post.

I have been happy. Sure there has been stress and butterflies, worries that this might work- but overall it has been wonderful.

We haven't told anyone. It's so weird that only some random health professionals and us know what is going on. I had a weekend with my folks and it was like this special little scret I had, a secret that I know (God willing) will make them so happy when they find out.

I've been a little bit worried about the lack of morning sickness. I had a few gaggy days (particularly when I ate a big meal) but no vomits. So yesterday I decided not to eat straight away but to see what happened. Well it worked, I felt so gross and ran to the toilet a few times- though I kept it in. And this morning- well, not so lucky. After I vomited a few times and my sympathetic husband asked if I was alright- I joked "That wasn't as nice as I expected". After wanting something so much...and then realising it sucks! But it's definately made me feel more excited and confident about the pregnancy.

Today is Ultra Sound day. Today we will find out about the heart-beat. After this mornings "Hello Mum and Dad" moment I feel a little more excited and confident.
I am praying, praying that I will see my babies heartbeat for the first time today.
Love Lady Grey

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