"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Friday, March 8, 2013

26 weeks

Yesterday was ticker day. As of today I am 26 weeks and it is a lovely feeling. Babies are both kicking away and I'm actually looking forward to Wednesdays scan. In fact, there is lots to look forward to this week.

Monday is a public holiday, and we'll be hanging out with friends for a picnic lunch.

Wednesday before the scan my Nan and my Dad will take me shopping so Nan can buy the boys their first cot.

Wednesday night we have our twins specific antenatal class

And Thursday I'm off on a two day holiday with my Mum and Sister. We are having a pampering weekend at a spa which has special packages for pregnant women. And as Mum is organising, it will be amazing, me friendly food :)


Pregnant: 26 weeks and one day

Weight: I don't think to weigh myself. But I'm not too worried

Movement: so much more consistent, which is a great blessing given how reassured it makes me feel :)

Physically: getting less mobile, and I feel a bit whalish getting out of bed or off a seat. I'm getting quite achy and I made the call today to put my rings on a necklace.  Glad I have skinny ankles and wrists, so my puffy feet look pretty normal now.

Work: I love my job, but I am feeling ready to finish. It takes so little to tire me out.

Belly: navel is holding out, but I often feel great pressure

Mood: much better this week. Getting back to usual happy self, and dealing with anxiety better.

GD: Managed well, but I'm over it. Not because I'm craving sweets, just because it is a lot of work.  I'm sick of having so many things to take into account.

Overall a great week. And every week the weight lifts a little as my boys approach safer and safer territory.



  1. I am so happy for you and the babies! I love reading all your updates after you had such a scare! Sending so much love and support from Oklahoma!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better all around, LG! Sounds like lots of nice times coming up too. You deserve it
