"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nearly 22 weeks

It's been a strange time. As I said previously, we have been hopeful, to the point where when I think about Dancer not making it, I can't cope. I know it will be overwhelming once we get close to Wednesdays scan.

This will be a very ramble-y post, probably best reflecting the past week.

Sleep is still pretty great, though dreams and rolling over are beginning to interfere. I sleep with a pillow under my bump most nights.  I dreamed on Tuesday about zombies. I think from now on Earl can watch the walking dead by himself!

The boys are moving, and when alone I've taken to talking back. Usually just "hello BH, mummy loves you". Dancer moved heaps during choir, I wonder if he's musical. Probably goes with out saying, but it is such a comfort that my tiny baby moves so much.

I've been a bit funny about exercising but Earls convinced me to keep walking.  Having GD under control and keeping healthy as long as I'm allowed has to be good for the boys. Though I'm a bit worried about my weight. I don't think I'm putting on enough. Our scales are in precise which doesn't help.

I am SO excited we are having boys. Before I was processing, now I'm fully on board. It's weird because we have our names, but because our eldest son must get his Father's middle name (family tradition), and that middle name goes so well with one of our boys names, until they come out we can't assign names.  But occasionally I say their names when I'm addressing them together and my heart melts. Oh my darling Dancer, keep fighting.

My parents have already decided on the boys room when they stay. I took the boys to show them, told them how much fun they will have at Grandma and Grandpas house.

GD has been interesting. They dropped my insulin e after a few low readings. They hypothesised that because Dancers placenta might not be working well, my insulin needs are decreasing. Well, after dropping down my insulin, my readings are back to high levels again. Every high level is a worry, but it also makes me hopeful that dancers placenta is doing its job.

Earl and I have talked so much about dancer. We are working on, and clinging to the fact that with our doctors 30-50% chance of survival then he is more likely to live than die. We talked about Earl's cousins wedding. Her husband had childhood leukaemia and was given a ten percent chance to live. His Dad said this at the wedding, then with tears in his eyes said "and here I am at his wedding!". We believe in hope and miracles, and are praying that at Dancer's wedding we can say the same thing.

Keep us in your prayers,

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about you guys so much this last two weeks. I think that a 30%-50% is a very good number. Not only that but your little dancer is fighting everyday.
