"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

All Good :)

Everything was wonderful.

We were so nervous in the lead up.  Its funny how in the minutes before the ultra sound I can be so prepared for bad news.  But there was none.  Both babies were looking good, in fact Big head was a tad behind and dancer was a bit ahead so they are looking very similar sized now.  Doctor is super happy with both, and their hearts are beating perfectly.  Earl and I just walked out of their with the biggest grins on our face.

And, in wonderful timing, my Mum just happened to have a meeting in a building walking distance from the clinic.  We had organised to meet her before the meeting.  She had her suspicions when we wanted to catch up, but that didn't stop her crying! :)  And when Tim said "There's more", she said "THERE'S TWO OF THEM".  It was so very lovely.  Her meeting friend was running late so we had about an hour of just chatting about the babies.  It was such a special hour.  And my dear Mum, she already offered to pay for a once a fortnight cleaner for the 2 months prior and 3 months after the twins birth.  And she is already hinting she wants the twins to arrive on her birthday :)

My Dad was interstate.  We weren't sure if we should wait until he was back, but Mum said she couldn't keep the secret so we better call him!  He really was shocked, and just so very happy.  The most beautiful moment was when I handed the phone to Mum to talk to him.  Mum is not really a big crier, but talking to Dad she just lost it.  While they've put on a brave face for us for so long, I know how much this must mean to them, to finally get to be Grandparents.

Then it was off to my sister's work.  She was so thrilled, and I think she was the most excited about the twin factor of all the family.

It's just been so happy.  Earl and I have compiled a list of who to tell, in person, on the phone, and via a general message.  There is some healthy debate about the order (Earl wants to tell church people on Sunday, but I want to wait until his siblings know on Monday).  But all in all we are just so very, very happy.  It's just so strange to be here.

The receptionist asked how many transfers we had done.  You know, I don't really know!  I've lost count  I could calculate it in my head, but I think we are up to about 17.  It's just crazy.  We were fully expecting to end this year on a new path to adoption.  Now we end this year with two babies on the way.

Of course, things can still go wrong.  But it feels like at 12 weeks we are moving into normal territory.

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support.  It's been such a blessing sharing this secret with you, and I appreciate all the years of support in the horrible years leading up to this point.  I still pray regularly for you all.

BTW, still can't talk Earl out of Big head, despite my Mum and Sister not being impressed with the name :)


  1. Praise God! So, so happy for you. I knew you had a lot of transfers but had no idea it was 17!

  2. I think every time I read "big head" I am going to laugh! That is so funny. I can't imagine your mom sees the humor in it though :) Glad your babies are growing each day.

  3. So Happy for you!!!!!! :) Enjoy every minute!
