"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Head and Dancer

Have you ever heard of a weirder name for an "in the belly baby" than big head?

Scan today was good. Little baby is still little, and was a few days behind last time.  But heart was beating perfectly, and it was moving! It was the cutest thing ever.  Doc isn't too worried about our little "dancer" so we are trying to relax and trust him when he says it all looks good!

The other baby is bang on track.  He or she was curled in a little ball, and looks so big next to dancer! Earl started referring to bubs as Big Head and despite my initial reservations it's stuck!

And Earl is getting excited! He almost agreed to tell my parents and everything. Almost!

We said farewell to our thrilled doctor, though ironically I spoke with the hospital and they said if we don't get a NT test then we will have to see him if we want a twelve week scan. So we maybe back again. But he said as we left he said "I want you to visit me, bring two babies, and I want you looking exhausted!"

I think I've worked out why I am happy to call one of our precious babies "big head". It's because Earl would only consent to that name if he really believed that it was going to get a real name one day. It's evidence that he finally believes that we are having these babies. And as much as things can go wrong, it feels like we are. Even Dancer is further along than Thumper ever was. We have made it to 10 weeks with twins, and we have only two weeks until the magical, beautiful 12 weeks.

Bring it on!

Thanks so much for your prayer and support.


  1. Big Head? That makes me laugh so hard :) You better not tell your future child that was their nickname, LOL

    So glad to hear that both babies are doing well, even if you have a smaller one.

  2. So glad to hear this, LG!!! Wonderful and exciting news!! Love ya!!!
