"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Monday, February 13, 2012

Doctors Appointment Number 2 and getting what you pay for

There is no comparison between the two appointments I had with this doctor. The first one left Earl and I shell-shocked in tears.

The second left us smiling and happy and HOPEFUL.

In many ways it was a follow up to our positive nursing appointment last week. But the doctor was also very helpful, very attentive, and very keen to get things sorted. Firstly, I am going to get a endemetrium biopsy after I ovulate this month. Secondly, he did some bloodwork so he can decide what kind of treatment I might need to get my uterus working. Thirdly, he is insisting on the antagonist cycle, the higher meds (though not as high as was originally suggested, which I'm a bit relieved about), and if possible a twin transfer. He was actually a bit annoyed at my previous doctors for not trying any of these things.

He asked how we feel about fertilising number of eggs, given we want to transfer all we create. We decided that given our track record, even if we somehow by miracle made 12 embryos, it is unlikely that this will equal 12 babies. Though, Earl said smiling, we would take 12!

Earl and I were laughing at the differences between the private and the public system.

Public system I would have waited for at least 45 minutes in the waiting room before seeing the doctor, and at least a month after I booked. I booked this appointment last week! Public system if I needed a scan I would have had to book one the next day. The doctor wanted to check where I was at in my cycle and so did the scan on the spot. I could go on. I am so very, very, very grateful for my good experience in the public system IVF program, and I think its wonderful that the Aus gov covers such things. But I am also very glad to be given the diamond standard IVF treatment. After all we've been through, I think I deserve it!

love LG

1 comment:

  1. YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I don't THINK you deserve it, I KNOW you deserve it!!!!! :-)
