"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Friday, January 25, 2013

19 and 20 week update

Hello friends!  I am in the most loveliest mood this morning.  That is what holidays do to you.  I think the other factor is that after 5 days relaxing I've finally come to terms with the fact that I am not capable of too much at present, and that is okay.  So this morning I had a lazy morning and I don't feel guilty one bit.

Anyway, I've decided to do a more structured update, just because it will be fun, and also because it will keep these kind of posts from being too rambly.


Up to- 20 weeks and one day.  Can't believe it, it sounds so very, very pregnant

Weight: 74.8 kg- Weight gain 6.8 kg.  Not to bad I think.  Dietitian wants me putting on .6-.9kg a week this trimester.   Funny moment of the week.  Earl said to me "I think your bottoms getting bigger too, because I went to put my hand on your lower back and there was bottom instead".  He felt a little guilty about the comment afterwards, but I just thought it was funny.

Bump-Earl thinks its bigger now than it was when we started the holiday.  It is definitely pregnant looking.  The most obvious sign is when I lie on my back I can still see it.

Movement- BH is giving us a bit more movement which is nice, but Dancer is ramping it up too (can feel him as I write).  I've started saying hello when they kick, both as a bonding process for myself, and also has a fun way of involving Earl in the process. BH moves less but they are more sudden and strong.  Dancer continues to pitter patter on my ribs :)

Emotions-I am less angry emotional, and more crying/laughing which is a definite improvement.  I cried in a Hungry Jacks/Burger King commercial the other day.  The stupid thing was, it wasn't in anyway a tear jerker, it was just advertising a summer burger with pineapple.  I still can't work out why it affected me so much.

GD-Feeling a bit normal now.  Had one more hypo, as well as a high reading, which seems a bit strange to me.  Up to 20 units of slow acting insulin.  The food is becoming more manageable (we ate out regularly while away and I didn't get any high readings, and I am trying not to imagine all the things I can eat when the babies come, because even after birth I don't want to go crazy.  But Earl has been given the task of bringing me a slice of cheesecake at the hospital :)

Maternity clothes-I love them.  A friend just gave me all her maternity gear and its wonderful.  She included three formal dresses so I am set, at least until winter sets in.

Gender-We find out on Wednesday!!!  So excited.  Earl- after being two boys the entire pregnancy, has suddenly moved onto boy and girl.  I just don't know.

How I'm feeling-I feel funny saying this on a post IF blog, but I'm getting scared.  I have been reading lots of IFy twin blogs and it all just sounds so hard.  I don't regret it, and I am still so excited that my two little ones are there, I guess it is just hitting me how tough those first 6 months are going to be.  But I also can't wait to hold them.  I am thankful every day, and our scare last week made it all the most precious.

Not related to the update, but the holiday was wonderful.  It was in Queensland (Northern Australia).  It was humid and hot, but bearable, and the place we stayed had a swimming pool and was ten minutes from the beach so we went swimming at least twice a day.  The highlight was the sea food, we ate so much.  All good for the babies. 

Liebster award maybe tomorrow :)

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