"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12

Thursday, April 4, 2013

All the little things

Well, I'm thirty weeks today. I realised it at about 4am, when my insomnia was too frustrating and I got out my phone to play. Not the song and dance I was expecting. It has been a frustrating 24 hours. But it's all little things, and 30 weeks is a big thing.

I was having a great week. Maternity leave was both restful and productive. My sister got to feel her first kick.  And Thursday was set aside for a little house cleaning and time with friends.

But I had a bleed yesterday morning.

Everything was fine. We had ultra sounds, heartbeat checks and a cervical exam to prove it. But we spent 8 hours in the hospital waiting. It was a busy day, with several serious emergencies, so we kept dropping down the list.

After this, we came home with fifteen minutes until our dinner guest showed up. It was a lovely night, and a helpful excuse for take out, but I was so tired when she left.  Around that time, I checked our regular doctors appointment, and realised it was late morning, so Earl would need to be at the airport for his work trip instead of the doctors.  My first doctors appointment without him! And last night Earl and I both felt sick, and so couldn't sleep. It's the first bad cold of the pregnancy. I don't know if last night was because I'm sick, or stressed, or if its just the new normal for this pregnancy, but sleep was not my friend.

But regardless, we are at 30 weeks. 30 weeks people! With both babies looking happy and content to stay. I just can't believe it.

What is a rotten day and night compared to that!


1 comment:

  1. So glad that your bleeding was just a scare and babies are doing great. 30 weeks, wow! You have made it through so much this pregnancy. You certaintly should be proud of yourself :)
