Charming title right?
The nurse called back, and I'm feeling so much better. She really isn't worried. She told me to take it easy, monitor, and she gave me a number to call if I want to get a scan or I have anymore symptoms.
But she said its normal and it didn't sound bad to her. There has been no more bleeding and no more symptoms. I am still super cautious about the pregnancy, but not quite a scared that it is all over. We are planning to just stick with our scan next week, and if we get too worried we can try to move it forward.
I also had the first vomit of the pregnancy, which was yuck for me but I think good timing for Earl. You see, for him, I can say that I feel yuck, but its not as obvious to him. When I was chucking (sorry TMI) he called out "You poor thing" but I could tell from his voice THAT HE WAS SMILING! When I called him on it he didn't deny it. You see, for him VOMIT=PREGNANT. So he at least is in a good mood, and that can't be a bad thing.
So all in all, I'm feeling alot better. I am not the happy "I can't believe I'm pregnant" Lady of yesterday, but I'm okay. And, I'm pretty sure I'm still pregnant.
I'm relieved to hear it, LG!!